Posted By: Andrew Schneider April 14, 2022 @ 4:47 am
New this year, Lake Red Rock has installed automated fee machines at all US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)-managed boat launches and beaches. Those using the services can follow any onscreen instructions, insert a debit or credit card, and display a ticket/receipt on the dashboard of their vehicle. Cash and checks are not accepted.
America the Beautiful Senior, Access, and Military passes, Every Kid in a Park Passes, and USACE annual day use passes are still accepted at beaches and boat ramps. Visitors should make sure to have a pass visible on their rearview mirror or on their vehicle’s dashboard.
Day use fees are collected and enforced at boat launches from April 1st through September 30th and at beaches from Memorial Day weekend thru Labor Day weekend.
Automated Fee Machines Installed at Lake Red Rock
Posted By: Andrew Schneider April 14, 2022 @ 4:47 am
New this year, Lake Red Rock has installed automated fee machines at all US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)-managed boat launches and beaches. Those using the services can follow any onscreen instructions, insert a debit or credit card, and display a ticket/receipt on the dashboard of their vehicle. Cash and checks are not accepted.
America the Beautiful Senior, Access, and Military passes, Every Kid in a Park Passes, and USACE annual day use passes are still accepted at beaches and boat ramps. Visitors should make sure to have a pass visible on their rearview mirror or on their vehicle’s dashboard.
Day use fees are collected and enforced at boat launches from April 1st through September 30th and at beaches from Memorial Day weekend thru Labor Day weekend.
To read the full story, please click here.
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