Chickasaw National Recreation Area
VenTek provides a unique solution to a challenging problem for a National Recreation Area in Oklahoma. Prior to installing Automated Fee Machines throughout the nearly 10,000-acre park, Park Rangers would do their best to assist recreational boaters with the purchase of their annual boat launch stickers. This could mean getting a call while out in the park that someone was at the Visitor Center, needed a pass, and ready to purchase. The Ranger would need to stop what they were doing and drive to that location to help.
VenTek knew how to help. They already had VenTek fee machines which provided daily launch permits and sold campsites. VenTek worked with this customer to understand their needs and requirements, and within six months had an upgrade to their existing system which allowed automated delivery of the annual stickers through the fee machine.
Now in their third year of service, these new AFMs have made it easier for visitors to purchase their passes and allowed the Rangers more flexibility in scheduling their work and responsibilities.